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    Regardless of their origin, the different spheres of space can be classified according to the following main types:

1. Suns - the stars of space.

2. Black islands from space.

3. Small cosmic bodies: comets, meteors and asteroids.

4. Planets including habitable worlds.

5. Architectural spheres - specially created worlds.

   With the exception of artificially created spheres, all spatial bodies have an evolutionary origin - evolutionary, in the sense that they were not created at the whim of a Deity; evolutionary, in the sense that the creative actions of God have revealed themselves through a spatio-temporal method in the actions of many created and arising intelligent beings of the Godhead.


    The sun. Orvonton's superuniverse is illuminated and warmed by more than ten trillion burning luminaries. More than two thousand bright suns pour light and energy into Satania, and your own sun is a brilliant luminary of medium magnitude. Some of the variable stars, at or near maximum pulsation, are in the process of giving birth to derivative systems, many of which will eventually be similar to your sun and its orbiting planets.


   Dark islands of space are extinct suns and other large clumps of matter devoid of light and heat. Dark islands are sometimes enormous in mass and exert a powerful influence in maintaining balance and manipulating energy in the universe. They maintain the gravitational balance of power in many constellations; many physical systems that would otherwise quickly fall onto the nearest sun and be destroyed.


   Small bodies of space. Meteors and other small particles of matter rotating and forming in space represent a vast aggregate of energy and material substance.


  Planets. These are the larger aggregates of matter which follow their orbits around the sun or around some other spatial body; they range in size from tiny planets to huge gaseous, liquid, or solid spheres. When cold worlds formed of material floating in space happen to be in proper proportion with the neighboring sun, then such planets are favored for settlement by intelligent beings.

   Urantia is a relatively isolated sphere on the outskirts of Satania, our solar system, Satania is the second most distant system of Norlatiadek, the constellation that currently crosses the outer edge of Nebadon. Our world Urantia number in the grand universe is 5,342,482,337,666


   Architectural spheres. Metropolitan worlds are architectural spheres - spatial bodies specially constructed for a particular purpose. They are:

1. Superuniverse - 491 capital worlds, each capital world surrounded by about 7 clusters of 70 worlds each

2. Large Sector - 71 capital worlds, each capital world surrounded by 70 spheres

3. Small Sector - 8 capital worlds, each capital world surrounded by 7 spheres

4. Local Universe - four hundred and ninety one capital worlds, each capital world surrounded by 70 primary spheres in 10 groups, where each primary sphere is surrounded by 6 subordinate spheres

5. Constellation - 771 capital worlds, each capital world surrounded by 70 spheres, each with 10 satellites

6. System - 57 capital worlds, each capital world surrounded by 7 transition worlds, each surrounded by 7 satellites


   The creation of energy and the consecration of life are the prerogatives of the Universal Father and his junior Creators. The river of energy and life is an unending stream flowing from the Deity, a universal and unified current of Paradise power spreading throughout space. This divine energy fills all creation. Force organizers initiate such changes and introduce such spatial force modifications that lead to the emergence of energy. Energy controllers convert energy into matter. This is how the material worlds arise. The Carriers of Life initiate in dead matter those processes which we call life, material life. The rulers of the Morontia Energy perform analogous functions in all the transitional realms between the material and spiritual worlds. The higher spiritual Creators give rise to similar processes in the divine forms of energy, resulting in the higher spiritual forms of intelligent life.