The Big Universe

Cognition of the universe and life on habitable planets

Anthropology: Second and Third Ages of Planetary Mortals

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   Judgment period of the Planetary Prince

   With the arrival of the Planetary Prince, a new judicial period begins. A government appears on earth, and the world enters the age of the development of tribal existence. For several millennia, man has come a long way in his social development. This judgment period lasts an average of about 500,000 years—sometimes more, sometimes less.

   One of the greatest achievements of the Prince's era was the curtailment of the reproduction of the mentally retarded and socially maladjusted. When man reaches the limit of natural evolutionary development, the biological perfectors - Adam and Eve - arrive.

   From the time of Prince Caligastia's arrival, the planetary civilization had developed extremely successfully for nearly 300,000 years. Apart from the fact that Urantia is a planet of modified life and is therefore subject to numerous deviations from the norm and unusual evolutionary fluctuations, its planetary history proceeded quite satisfactorily until the rebellion of Lucifer and the betrayal of Caligastia.


   Adamic period

   When the driving force of evolutionary life has exhausted the biological possibilities of man and the peaks of animal development have been reached, the second category of sonship arrives and the second judgment period of mercy and guardianship begins. This is true of all evolutionary worlds. After reaching the highest possible level of evolutionary life, when primitive man rises to the highest rung of the biological ladder available to him, the Material Son and Material Daughter sent by the System Lord always appear on the planet.

   The main task of the Adamic regime was to help the developing man to pass from the hunter and herdsman stage to the farmer and gardener stage with the subsequent emergence of urban and industrial civilizations. 10,000 years of this judgment period of the biological enhancers is enough to achieve amazing changes. After 25,000 years of the rule of the unifying wisdom of the Planetary Prince and the Material Sons, the sphere is, as a rule, ready for the arrival of the Son-Arbiter.


   Adam and Eve on Urantia

   In the center of the garden temple, Van planted the long-guarded tree of life, the leaves of which are intended for the "healing of nations" and the fruits of which for so long sustained himself on Earth. Van well knew that Adam and Eve would also depend on this gift of Eden to sustain their lives after their appearance on Urantia in material form. The "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" may be a figure of speech and a symbol covering the vast wealth of human experience, but the "tree of life" was no myth: it was a reality and had long existed on Urantia.


   The transgression of Adam and Eve.

   Adam and Eve actually fell from their high position as Material Sons to the lower status of mortal men. There was no "Fall." The history of the human race is a history of gradual evolution, and the Adamic initiation left the peoples of the world vastly more developed than their previous biological state. At the present time the most advanced ethnic groups possess hereditary factors acquired from as many as four separate sources: the Andonite, the Sangic, the Nodite, and the Adamic. Regardless of the setbacks, Adam and Eve made a huge contribution to the rapid development of civilization.

   Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia. Adam and his children had blue eyes and the violet peoples were distinguished by light skin and hair - blond, red or brown.


   Contemporary issues of rebellion and delinquency

   Of all the perplexing problems arising from Lucifer's rebellion, none has been the cause of greater difficulty than the inability of evolutionary mortals to distinguish between true and false freedom.

   50,000 years after the fall of the planetary administration, earthly affairs lay in a state of neglect and abandonment; the human race added almost nothing to the general evolutionary level existing until the arrival of Caligastia, which occurred 350,000 years before. In some respects, progress was made; in other areas much was lost.

   On Urantia, sin had little effect on biological evolution, but its influence was manifested in the failure of the mortal races to derive all the benefits of the Adamic inheritance.

   There will be no new races on Urantia. The humanity of Urantia must solve the problems of mortal development with this ethnic material at its disposal, for for all future time new races developing from pre-human sources will not appear. But this fact does not prevent the possibility of achieving incomparably higher levels of human development at the expense of the reasonable encouragement of the evolutionary potentials still present in the mortal races.