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   The human race originated 993,507 years ago as of 2022

   993,507 years ago, Urantia was registered as a habitable world. The mutation that occurred in the tribe of progressive primates suddenly produced two primitive humans - the actual progenitors of mankind. This event coincided with the third glacial advance. And the only surviving descendants of these Australian aborigines - the Eskimos, still prefer to live in the harsh northern regions.


   These two wonderful creatures were real people. Like many of their ancestors, they had fully formed big toes, and their feet were as perfect as the feet of modern human races. They could walk and run, but not crawl. These first humans, and also their descendants, reached sexual maturity at the age of twelve and had a potential lifespan of about seventy-five years.

   The two first humans, the twins, learned verbal communication at an early age. By the age of ten they had developed and perfected a language of sign and word, comprising nearly half a hundred concepts, and greatly improved and extended the primitive method of communication of their ancestors.

   One fine day, when they were about nine years old, the twins decided to leave their home, which marked the beginning of the human race. So, as a result of their independent rational decision, the twins migrated, and thanks to our mentoring, they migrated north to a remote area where they avoided the danger of biological degradation by mixing with their primitive primate relatives.



    Recognition of Urantia as a habitable planet

   At noon the day after the twins' escape, test signals from the universe loop were registered at the Urantia Planetary Outreach Center. We were all excited, of course, because we understood that a great event was approaching. But as this world was a center for experimental life, we had not the faintest idea in what precise manner we would be notified of the recognition of intelligent life on Urantia. Urantia was registered as a habitable world when the two first human beings, the twins Andon and Fonta, were 11 years old.


  First human family

   This wonderful pair, the actual progenitors of all mankind, in every way surpassed many of their direct descendants, and were radically different from all their ancestors, both immediate and distant. Andon discovered the property of flint to emit sparks and grasped the idea of ​​obtaining fire.

   It had been almost two years since that night when the twins left their home before their first child was born. They called him Sontad; and Sontad became the first creature born on Urantia to be wrapped at birth in a protective covering. A total of nineteen children were born to Andon and Fonta, and they were able to enjoy the company of nearly half a hundred grandchildren and half a dozen great-grandchildren. They lived to be forty-two years old, and were both killed during an earthquake by the fall of an overhanging rock.