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Electromagnetism as a belief
By the Scientific Officer, Reason-Avonall son
Electromagnetism is a word for many phenomena found on Urantia. It has to do with electricity and other types of energy that one never intuitively understands. For this reason, humanity on this planet tends to skip the need to think about a magical distribution of energy and to retain the idea that energy is the result of the natural laws of the universe.
Therefore, we will approach the topic of electromagnetism from a different perspective to get to the root cause of electromagnetism.
It exists, first, as a human necessity to keep its own electrical system of cells and thoughts viable and in constant renewal whenever possible.
A person can experience accidents that shut electromagnetism out of working order in their own body. However, even then things like cataleptic seizures can occur just because electromagnetism exists.
Medical science can understand exactly how we work ('we' meaning the space labs I come from), the idea of the electric being as a human being is really such that he stays earthbound and isn't shocked out of existence until he's old enough, to gain the experience that enables him to rise from the dead and be resurrected as the same man who was once on earth.
Let us first consider the human body: it is flesh and blood, and these two parts or elements are what make the human body electric.
Blood is always saline; that is, salty. The skin is a conductor of electricity of the kind that man has measured before, but your sun is now malfunctioning to the extent that many plants, as this writer (Ronald Besser - through whom the information was relayed) has observed, are not being fed properly to produce the starch that sometimes blocks flowering. This will kill your many types of flowers. And creatures interested in the earth's fauna supply the missing sunlight to help the plants bloom.
However, the human body must also convert certain short rays of the sun into vitamins and sometimes into calcium, a type of calcium that one does not know about in your periodic table of elements.
The malfunctioning sun shining down on earth today is forcing the atmosphere to heat up in a way that will eventually kill the planet. It will one day turn her into a barren round rock. Electromagnetism should prevent this from happening, but in the case of this planet we call Urantia (You Ran Sha) the power of your sun is unforgiving and planetary warming can begin to spiral out of control without the help of the spiritual aspects. of life on Urantia.
However, global warming is not an adventure to get used to. The planet you call earth will once again experience a small ice age in about sixty five years (this is written in June 2020) and the new ice age will affect most of the United States as it is now set to be without flood. But western Canada from northern Manitoba will eventually be covered in ice. The Arctic sea will freeze once more and Greenland will become virtually uninhabitable at some point. Nevertheless, no one can predict the coming changes. But it is electromagnetism that keeps everything running on a planet until, for very good reasons, it becomes usable again. For this you have no revelation of the human species and its destiny.]
Electromagnetism only exists on habitable planets. You see that several of Jupiter's moons exhibit electromagnetism, but are currently uninhabitable and could become habitable candidates if they prove long-lasting. However, no life-bearing planet is devoid of electromagnetism.
We also need to adjust your thinking about how life is established. The medieval view is that even animals came from the earth because the sperm in animals could saturate the earth during the mating season. This is quite wrong thinking, since an ovum of an established species is always required to produce such life on a material planet.
However, let it be known that your own planet was seeded with life using a life plasma that was a gel. It was planted in your early seas to mature with the process built into the gel called evolution.
Electromagnetism only occurs on habitable planets if they are mature enough to support life when the core inside those planets begins to heat up due to friction. Friction is what keeps the core warm, not compression, although compression has something to do with keeping up the super heat your planet now experiences inside its molten lithium dioxide core. An element that you say cannot exist, but in your core, it is lithium dioxide.
Lithium dioxide has a very nasty side and Urantia is experiencing this now and will be for at least the next twenty to twenty-five years. The tectonic plates beneath your continents are thin shelves of rock, and they too can break and collapse. For this reason, the west coast of the United States will probably disappear as it now exists due to most of it collapsing as it hangs over the abyss of the Pacific Ocean.
The electromagnetism you experience on earth today is hardly measurable. It will revive the north magnetic pole. When this happens, the lithium dioxide will turn into cupric dioxide, and this is so harmful that volcanism will begin mass killing every living thing around such an eruption. Cupric dioxide is a copper-lithium molecule that exists briefly on the surface but exists forever deep in the core of a planet like this. For this reason we do not discuss this further for now, but simply realize that your earth was not meant to be a habitable sphere until it was pushed into its almost perfect orbit around your sun. This sun is the 31st of the last suns to be separated from a super galaxy that no longer exists, and is partially responsible for what you see as your Milky Way at night.
Electromagnetism erupted on your planet about six billion years ago. While the earth is just over eight billion years old in rock formations, its true life as a planet has been recorded since the arrival of the Life Bearers only five billion years ago.
Electromagnetism is a valid remedy for electric blood life only. It's not designed on a planet without life on it, but as you can see, some of Jupiter's moons carry electromagnetism just because they're in the formative stage. Because life only exists by design and implantation and never occurs spontaneously from the presence of carbon molecules.
Truly speaking, Urantia man is a combination of Life Carrier intrusions and the heart of God known as the Infinite Spirit five billion years ago. Genesis is right when he says that there was nothing to be seen or heard on the earth until light was changed to make it feed plants and animals in the living plasma that was placed upon those pristine seas which then have completely covered the entire globe. Pangea had not yet formed.
Electromagnetism carries within it two very important structures
One is the ability to generate an electrical charge through further induction of matter, known as the Labyrinth Affair
The second is the ability of this force that arises in a planet to withstand severe voltage discharges that would kill a planet if there were no chamber in the core to generate electromagnetism.
The Labyrinth Affair in Electromagnetism
Hitherto this condition and design had been a secret of the spirit to be kept silent. But humanity on Urantia is slowly regressing intellectually and must be brought back to intellectual and spiritual levels or the planet will lose this human species. We are not kidding and your sciences must learn humility in the face of such drastic conditions that are rapidly developing on earth at this time.
We reveal the fact that the labyrinth affair is how the power of electromagnetism actually arises, despite the earth's tendency to reject its electromagnetic problems due to the lack of frictional forces.
Electromagnetism is only a conductive design and does not itself create electrical discharges. Electromagnetism is not just electricity or magnetism. It is also the rate of antimatter ejection at the surface of Urantia that makes these forces so dangerous unless they are contained by the Earth's core itself.
Earth's core is disfigured in the ground because it nearly fell apart when another star system passed through in the early Cretaceous period and punched a hole in the Pacific Ocean near Japan. It partially destroyed the landmass you know today as Japan. The tsunami that hit the nuclear power plant on Japan's east coast nearly doubled the size of the vent used by the core to release heat. And now it is poised to become so deadly that the people of Japan must be warned of a catastrophe of such magnitude that awaits them. This vent is located just east of the old power plant, one hundred thirty six kilometers into the ocean under six thousand feet of water. Right now, only the pressure of so much water is keeping it under control. We fully accept that this is true and is reported not through our space laboratories but as the voice of the First Source of the center itself.
The labyrinth affair is valuable as long as it is under control, but on your earth control is reduced due to the weak magnetic force on the earth's poles, becoming anemic to the point where they can hardly be measured with a compass.
This usually tells us who are watching you from a great distance that this earth will have a moment of truth as to whether it can support a human population if its tectonic plates begin to break apart completely and it re-forms new continental designs with or without life on them.
This is a dysfunctional situation as it is not predictable. And this is where the idea of Faith Is Born as Electromagnetism comes into play. Because as long as you have electromagnetism, you can sustain human life despite so many drastic earth changes.
The faith to stay alive and turn to God's mercy is present and allowed as long as the forces of this planet remain sufficiently intact to control the death ray of movement of forces not meant to care for life as they find their way through the solar system. By the way, we name all the suns that shine on a habitable world and call your sun MONMATIA (Mon May sha).
Monmatia has sun burned much earlier than you predict because it caught fire in the inner collar of the edge of the sun and this produces such a strong pulse to your planet that it does not return an electromagnetic response to what it once was, even ten years ago. Now the deadline is almost here and many are expecting a pole shift or axis tilt. This is possible and everything is. But the main problem is that there is no conversion of life force energies for plants and animals to already shine on Urantia. Your scribe Ronald Besser sees it all over his property and wonders how to stop so many plants from dying.
The Labyrinth Affair is a name we give to these rising forces as a general term to speak of them as a whole. Specifically, you on this planet are experiencing discharges of antimatter in far too great quantities to maintain a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere as it has been here forever. Yet your governments continue to destabilize with underground and surface nuclear tests. North Korea is generally dangerous and will at some point be stopped by forces beyond their control.
In conclusion, we also state that electromagnetism is not a death ray as claimed by Nikola Tesla in the 1930s. Tesla knew very well that the danger to man is his admiration for domination, even world domination, such as the Nazis favored in Germany.
The reason I mentioned the death ray is that electromagnetism is mostly accurate lightning strikes if one can describe the arc of influence well enough to pinpoint exactly where to land that lightning.
Cloud lightning discharges are precise strikes of energy, but they are scattered by atmospheric conditions and strike mostly randomly. In one instance, a man standing on an outdoor golf course was struck by random bolts of lightning out of nowhere and was unable to avoid them because the calculation from the Labyrinth Affair had already targeted him for the shot to be there. Yes, there is no random problem in electromagnetism, it is a force that has no real control as it arises from frictional causes in the earth's core.
Fully explained, this would become a treatise on how the Unconditional Absolute throws energy not at a planet, but at the basic elements of the frontier universe that have never been observed in your telescopes. For this reason, you will need to be given such a revelation when you are resurrected and live a much more intelligent and intelligent life outside the flesh. Perhaps as one of our star students learning what perfect scientific understanding is.
Planetary chambers for basic generation of electromagnetism
The Earth's core is about six miles wide and about sixteen miles in circumference. It appears to be glass lined, but is without any tensile strength. For this reason, it crashes every sixty million years, and crashed again in 1949, just as the world was ready to go to war in Korea. This core is sitting fine at the moment, and the real issue is turning it into a much larger chamber to handle the heat built up in it lately. This heat build-up causes your atmosphere above the planet's surface to collect more water vapor than it should. As a result, there is sometimes a torrential downpour that never seems to stop even under normal weather conditions.
Now the Earth's core is again close to the electronic boiling point, which is just over three hundred and forty-five million degrees Celsius. For this reason, the core itself melts periodically, and such a meltdown occurred on December 7, 1944, just as the Allies were planning D-Day in England. They saw a storm brewing over the English Channel that refused to budge, and this was because the storm was being fed by a superheated Earth's core that was so hot it melted the chamber. When this happens, we call our emergency teams to attend to a core that could cause a planetary explosion. Such a condition exists now on Urantia in June 2020.
The Earth's core emits heat, not antimatter, but they were able to analyze the antimatter simply because the friction in the core from the earth's rotation is great enough to create electrical storms on the planet's surface. DST in the Northern Hemisphere is particularly dangerous for the simple reason that the core is not quite in the center of the earth, but a little north of the equator another six hundred miles toward Texas, and not under Texas, but under San Salvador. One must draw a diagonal line to the center to determine the true chamber.
But antimatter sometimes erupts from the earth's core because the heat is not shielded properly due to deformation in the earth itself, explained above when a foreign planetary system has passed by the earth in space far above and tilted the axis more than forty degrees to the west. The planet has now recovered enough to have a tilt of about twenty-three degrees on the axis, which also wobbles back and forth. This is what gives Urantia its seasons and also heats the planet too much in the tropics.
Antimatter should not be mistaken, it causes violent storms especially in the tropics. Maria, the 2019 hurricane, created a vortex over the Bahamas due to the fact that it came to rest over a geometric anomaly on Urantia just below the land mass of the Bahamas. There is part of the huge asteroid that hit the Gulf of Mexico area that killed the dinosaurs 63,532,112 years ago as of June 19, 2020. This asteroid is magnetic and is the cause of the strange behavior of electronics in the region with ships and planes, especially when they pass too close to the massif, covered underwater by six miles of broken rock, peat, moss, and shells from many ancient seas.