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   An emerging ultimaton going from strength to power

  The two glowing blue plasma bodies allow the ultimaton to overcome the speed of the force transport field.

   While the space charge of universal force is homogeneous and undifferentiated, the organization of evolved energy into matter entails the concentration of energy into discrete masses of definite dimensions and established weight-precise gravity reaction.

    Local or linear gravity becomes fully operative with the appearance of the atomic organization of matter. Preatomic matter becomes slightly gravity responsive when activated by X ray and other similar energies, but no measurable linear-gravity pull is exerted on free, unattached, and uncharged electronic-energy particles or on unassociated ultimatons.

   Ultimatons function by mutual attraction, responding only to the circular Paradise-gravity pull. Without linear-gravity response they are thus held in the universal space drift. Ultimatons are capable of accelerating revolutionary velocity to the point of partial antigravity behavior, but they cannot, independent of force organizers or power directors, attain the critical escape velocity of deindividuation, return to the puissant-energy stage. In nature, ultimatons escape the status of physical existence only when participating in the terminal disruption of a cooled-off and dying sun.

    The ultimatons, unknown on Urantia, slow down through many phases of physical activity before they attain the revolutionary-energy prerequisites to electronic organization. Ultimatons have three varieties of motion: mutual resistance to cosmic force, individual revolutions of antigravity potential, and the intraelectronic positions of the one hundred mutually interassociated ultimatons.

   Mutual attraction holds one hundred ultimatons together in the constitution of the electron; and there are never more nor less than one hundred ultimatons in a typical electron. The loss of one or more ultimatons destroys typical electronic identity, thus bringing into existence one of the ten modified forms of the electron.

   Ultimatons do not describe orbits or whirl about in circuits within the electrons, but they do spread or cluster in accordance with their axial revolutionary velocities, thus determining the differential electronic dimensions. This same ultimatonic velocity of axial revolution also determines the negative or positive reactions of the several types of electronic units. The entire segregation and grouping of electronic matter, together with the electric differentiation of negative and positive bodies of energy-matter, result from these various functions of the component ultimatonic interassociation.

   The formation of all matter is on the order of the solar system. There is at the center of every minute universe of energy a relatively stable, comparatively stationary, nuclear portion of material

existence. This central unit is endowed with a threefold possibility of manifestation.

Surrounding this energy center there whirl, in endless profusion but in fluctuating circuits,

the energy units which are faintly comparable to the planets encircling the sun of some

starry group like your own solar system.

   Within the atom the electrons revolve about the central proton with about the same

comparative room the planets have as they revolve about the sun in the space

of the solar system.

   The electronic axial revolutions and their orbital velocities about the atomic

nucleus are both beyond the human imagination, not to mention the velocities

of their component ultimatons. The positive particles of radium fly off into

space at the rate of ten thousand miles a second, while the negative particles

attain a velocity approximating that of light.

   The thirty innermost orbital electrons have individuality, but their energy

systems tend to intermingle, extending from electron to electron and

well-nigh from orbit to orbit.

   The next thirty electrons constitute the second family, or energy zone,

and are of advancing individuality, bodies of matter exerting a more

complete control over their attendant energy systems.

   The next thirty electrons, the third energy zone, are still more

individualized and circulate in more distinct and definite orbits.

   The last ten electrons, present in only the ten heaviest elements, are

possessed of the dignity of independence and are, therefore, able to

escape more or less freely from the control of the mother nucleus. With a

minimum variation in temperature and pressure, the members of this

fourth and outermost group of electrons will escape from the grasp of the

central nucleus, as is illustrated by the spontaneous disruption  of uranium

and kindred elements.

   The first twenty-seven atoms, those containing from one to twenty-seven

orbital electrons, are more easy of comprehension than the rest. From twenty-eight

upward we encounter more and more of the unpredictability of the supposed presence

of the Unqualified Absolute. But some of this electronic unpredictability is due to differential

ultimatonic axial revolutionary velocities and to the unexplained “huddling” proclivity of

ultimatons. Other influences-physical, electrical, magnetic, and gravitational-also operate to produce variable electronic behavior. Atoms therefore are similar to persons as to predictability. Statisticians may announce laws governing a large number of either atoms or persons but not for a single individual atom or person.

   As atoms are constituted, neither electric nor gravitational forces could hold the nucleus together. The integrity of the nucleus is maintained by the reciprocal cohering function of the mesotron, which is able to hold charged and uncharged particles together because of superior force-mass power and by the further function of causing protons and neutrons constantly to change places. The mesotron causes the electric charge of the nuclear particles to be incessantly tossed back and forth between protons and neutrons. At one infinitesimal part of a second a given nuclear particle is a charged proton and the next an uncharged neutron. And these alternations of energy status are so unbelievably rapid that the electric charge is deprived of all opportunity to function as a disruptive influence. Thus does the mesotron function as an “energy-carrier” particle which mightily contributes to the nuclear stability of the atom.

    The presence and function of the mesotron also explains another atomic riddle. When atoms perform radioactively, they emit far more energy than would be expected. This excess of radiation is derived from the breaking up of the mesotron “energy carrier,” which thereby becomes a mere electron. The mesotronic disintegration is also accompanied by the emission of certain small uncharged particles.





 Z1. First energy zone - closest to the core

 Z2. Second Energy Zone

 Z3. The third energy zone

 Z4. Fourth energy zone - farthest from the core

The scheme is only informative - it doesn't match the scale, nor the rotation and speeds

   The mesotron explains certain cohesive properties of the atomic nucleus, but it does not account for the cohesion of proton to proton nor for the adhesion of neutron to neutron. The paradoxical and powerful force of atomic cohesive integrity is a form of energy as yet undiscovered on Urantia.

   These mesotrons are found abundantly in the space rays which so incessantly impinge upon your planet.