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   The immensity of the Universal Father's creation is beyond the reach of the finite imagination; the grandeur of the main universe amazes even beings of my category. But mortal reason is capable of making clear to itself many aspects of the plan and arrangement of the universes; you can familiarize yourself with their physical organization and amazing management; you can learn much about the various groups of sentient beings inhabiting the seven superuniverses of time and the central universe of eternity.


   In principle, that is, in the potentiality of eternity, we represent the material as infinite, since the Universal Father is actually infinite; but as we study and observe the general material creation, we realize that at any particular moment in time it is limited, though to your ultimate mind it is relatively infinite, virtually limitless.


   By studying physical laws and observing the star worlds, we become convinced that the infinite Creator has not yet manifested itself in all the fullness of cosmic expression, and that a considerable part of the cosmic potential of the Infinite is still locked within itself and unrevealed. To created beings, the master universe may seem practically endless, but it is far from complete; there are still physical limits to material creation, and the empirical unfolding of the eternal design continues.


   Space is not infinite, though it has its origin in Heaven; it is not absolute, as it is saturated with the Unconditioned Absolute. We do not know the absolute limits of space, but we know that the absolute of time is infinity.

   Like space, time is a gift from Heaven, but not in a direct sense, but only indirectly. Time comes into being by virtue of motion, and also because reason has a sense of consistency. From a practical point of view, motion is inseparable from time, but there is no universal unit of time based on motion; for such, the standard day of the Rai-Havona system was arbitrarily adopted. The all-embracing nature of the respiration of space excludes its local significance as the source of time.

   Time and space are inseparable only in the spatiotemporal creations - the seven superuniverses. Timeless space (space without time) theoretically exists, but the only place outside time is the realm of Heaven. Extraspatial time (time without space) exists in the operation of reason on the level of Heaven.